
Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine (Kawagoe-city, Saitama Prefecture)


Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine (Saitama Prefecture Kawagoe City) reviews · comment.

Seasonal events are fun

Level of satisfaction
Nickname Popolon
Location of review spot Kawagoe-city, Saitama Prefecture
It is a historical shrine that was built 1500 years ago. In recent years a lot of events for young people are doing.
Especially the marriage event is famous. In the summer I went there, the event “marriage wind chimes” was doing. In the day I can see the colorful wind chimes shake, and the wind chimes are lighted up at night and it is very beautiful.
If I was lucky I could see wedding ceremonies being held and white bride’s bride was very beautiful.
I am concerned that the point is not very good access. It takes more than 20 minutes to walk from the station. It is quick to go while looking at the streets of Kawagoe, but it is cautious as midsummer and midwinter are painful.
  • B!